The Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering (IBEB) is a research unit of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. IBEB was founded in 1992, and its activities are focused on research and postgraduate teaching. Research carried out at IBEB covers Biophyiscs and Biomedical Engineering approaches to understand some human health disorders. IBEB’s scientific activity is organized into 4 transversal research lines, distributed by its 24 full members.

IBEB contributes for the MSc and PhD programs in Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics of the Faculty of Ciências of Universidade de Lisboa and participates on other post-graduate courses within Ciências or in collaboration with other schools of ULisboa. More than 300 MSc dissertations (as of July 2023) and 30 PhD theses (as of July 2023) have been produced so far.


IBEB’s mission is to improve scientific knowledge and training on the physical and physiological aspects underlying Oncology and Neurosciences in humans and apply them to the benefit of society.


The main objectives of IBEB aim to provide increased insights into the following general scientific questions:

Q1. How can we use imaging to detect cancer at its early stages and predict its evolution more reliably?

Q2. Can we use innovative ways to treat cancer and reduce treatment side effects?

Q3. How can we stimulate the brain non-invasively and use it for therapeutic purposes?

Q4. How are functional connections between the different parts of the brain structured in healthy and pathological conditions?

Q5. Can we characterise the neurochemistry, and genetics, involved in cognitive processes, such as social reward and empathy?

Q6. Can autonomic nervous system, and electroencephalographic, responses reflect cognitive processes and predict behaviour?


O1. The support of creative and ambitious research.

O2. Emphasizing multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches.

O3. Contributing to the use of physical and engineering principles in Diagnostics and Therapy.

O4. Supporting Biomedical Engineering training of undergraduate, Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers.

O5. Exploring clinical, translational and multi-disciplinary research opportunities.

O6. Developing strategic partnerships that support and complement IBEB’s scientific strengths.

O7. Developing close interactions with industry and facilitate innovation and value creation.

O8. Engaging effectively with the society.

O9. Increasing young people’s enjoyment and aspirations in Biomedical Engineering.


Our research activities involve collaborations with various national and international institutions.


Our research activities involve collaborations with various national and international institutions.



Founder and retired members

Teaching staff

Research staff – integrated/full members

Research staff – other members

PhD students