Maria Gonçalves

Room in IBEB
E-mail: mctgoncalves[at]
Professional networks
Research topics
- Breast cancer imaging
- Computer modeling
- Computer simulations
- Image segmentation
Maria Gonçalves is a Ph.D. student and researcher at Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica (IBEB) from the University of Lisbon. Her research focuses on developing breast models to study the tissue’s behavior following cancer treatment. From October to December 2022, Maria interned at the University of Texas at Austin to investigate the mechanical properties of breast tissues. From 2019 to 2021, she worked as a Clinical Research Associate, Validation Specialist, and Scientific & Bibliographic Expert in the pharmaceutical sector. Maria concluded her integrated BSc+MSc in Biomedical Engineering from the NOVA School of Science and Technology in 2018.
Journal publications
(2021) Development of 3d mri-based anatomically realistic models of breast tissues and tumours for microwave imaging diagnosis, Sensors 21(24), p. 8265, MDPI, doi:10.3390/s21248265
Conference publications
(2023) Development of Mechanically and Dielectrically Realistic Breast Models for Microwave Therapy and Healing Simulations, 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2023, p. 1-5, doi:10.23919/EuCAP57121.2023.10133807