Afonso Santos Pourfarzaneh

Contacts E-mail: afonso.santosp[at] Professional networks Research topics Biography Afonso Pourfarzaneh, born and raised in Oliveira do Hospital, moved to Lisbon in 2015 to enroll in an Integrated Masters (BSc + MSc) degree in Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics, at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, which he concluded in 2022.To Read more…

Gonçalo Cosme

Room in IBEB 0.09 Contacts E-mail: gbcosme[at] Professional networks Curriculum Research topics Biography I finished my MsC in Biomedical Engineering at FCT UNL but did my thesis at IBEB under supervision from Prof. Pedro Almeida. Then I joined Diana Prata’s team in 2017 as lab technician. My core responsibilities were Read more…

Rafael Fortunato Martins Esteves

Room in IBEB 0.09 Contacts E-mail: rfesteves[at] Professional networks Curriculum Research topics Biography I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences and Master’s in Biopharmaceutical Sciences, from where I gained a passion for Neuroscience, more specifically for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences. So to better understand how molecular changes in the Read more…