Gonçalo Cosme

Room in IBEB 0.09 Contacts E-mail: gbcosme[at]ciencias.ulisboa.pt Professional networks Curriculum Research topics Biography I finished my MsC in Biomedical Engineering at FCT UNL but did my thesis at IBEB under supervision from Prof. Pedro Almeida. Then I joined Diana Prata’s team in 2017 as lab technician. My core responsibilities were Read more…

Ana Sofia Castro Verde

Contacts E-mail: ana.castroverde[at]research.fchampalimaud.org Professional networks Research topics Biography Ana Castro Verde is a biomedical engineer working in the field of medical imaging applied to oncological research. Her curiosity towards medical imaging started during an internship at Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC) in the UK, combining imaging with genetics. Read more…

Vasco Sá Diogo

Room in IBEB 0.09 Contacts E-mail: vddiogo[at]fc.ul.pt Professional networks Research topics Biography I’m a Ph.D. student in Psychology at ISCTE with a background in Behavioral Neuroscience from Northeastern University. My research centers on using MRI data and machine learning to identify psychiatric phenotypes. In addition to my work in psychiatric Read more…

Anna Letournel

Contacts E-mail: anna.letournel[at]ess.ips.pt Professional networks Research topics Biography I’m a curious Biomedical Scientist with a Biomedical Engineering degree from the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa whose will to learn lead to a PhD in Fundamental Physics (light and matter) from the École Polytechnique of Paris Read more…

Ana Margarida Mota

Room in IBEB 1.09 Contacts E-mail: ammota[at]ciencias.ulisboa.pt Professional networks Research topics Biography Ana Margarida Mota graduated in biomedical engineering (integrated master’s degree) in 2010 at the Faculty of Science and Technology of New University of Lisbon. She did her master thesis in image reconstruction of positron emission mammography and, since Read more…

Brígida da Costa Ferreira

Room in IBEB 0.06 Contacts E-mail: bcferreira[at]ciencias.ulisboa.pt Professional networks Research topics Biography Brigida da Costa Ferreira graduated at the Science Faculty of Lisbon University in Technological Physics and did her PhD at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University in Medical Radiation Physics. She was a researcher at Aveiro University under the Read more…

Grisel Mora Paula

Room in IBEB 1.06 Contacts E-mail: gmpaula[at]ciencias.ulisboa.pt Professional networks Research topics Biography Grisel Margarita Mora Paula (G. Mora) obtained a BSc in Physics from Belarusian State University (BGU). She enrolled in the research activities (detection of cosmic neutrinos using Cherenkov radiation) of the Nuclear Physics Department of BGU under supervision Read more…

Paulo Magalhães Martins

Contacts E-mail: pjmartins[at]ciencias.ulisboa.pt Professional networks Research topics Biography Paulo Martins was born on the 27th of May 1983 in Coimbra, Portugal. In 2006, he obtained his degree in Physics from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra. That same year, he joined the Laboratory of Instrumentation Read more…