Tiago Atalaia

E-mail: tatalaia[at]esscvp.eu
Professional networks
Research topics
- Biomechanics
- Physiotherapy
- Sports
- Rehabilitation
- Human Movement Analysis
Tiago Atalaia has a PhD in Health Sciences by Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2015), has a MSc in Neurological rehabilitation by Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2009), has a Bachelor in Physiotherapy by Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (2006) and a Diploma in Physiotherapy by Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão (1996). Actually he is a Coordinator Professor at the Physiotherapy Department of Escola Superior de Saúde da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa – Lisboa, were he teaches human movement analysis. He’s also an Auxiliar Professor at Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa in the Sports Science Department, were he teaches biomechanics. He’s a collaborator researcher at Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologia (CICANT) from Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa and since 2024, a Researcher from Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica.
Published 31 articles in journals, 2 sections of books and 1 books. Participated in 15 events. He is co-supervising 3 PhD theses. Co-supervised 4 MSc dissertations and supervised 6 works of course completion of LSc/BSc. Participates and/or participated as Researcher in 2 projects. Works in the areas of Health Sciences with emphasis on Biomechanics and Human Movement. In their professional activities interacted with 92 collaborators co-authorship of scientific papers.
Journal publications
(2024) Deep squat test – Functional movement Screen: Convergent validity and ability to discriminate subjects with different levels of joint mobility, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 38, p. 197-204, Churchill Livingstone, doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2023.12.010
(2023) PosturAll: A Posture Assessment Software for Children, Bioengineering 10(10), p. 1171, MDPI, doi:10.3390/bioengineering10101171
(2023) Cultural and Linguistic Adaptation of the Fall Risk Questionnaire—Portuguese Version, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(2), p. 1598, MDPI, doi:10.3390/ijerph20021598
(2023) PosturAll: A Posture Assessment Software for Children, Bioengineering 10(10), p. 1171, MDPI, doi:10.3390/bioengineering10101171
(2023) Hurdle step test: Convergent validity and ability to discriminate between subjects with different levels of postural stability (preliminary results), Gait & Posture 106, p. S7-S8, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2023.07.013
(2023) Ergonomics Applied to the Development and Evaluation of Insoles for Protective Footwear, Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 13(10), p. 6207, MDPI, doi:10.3390/app13106207
(2022) Centre of pressure kinematics during the Timed Up and Go test in elderly fallers and non-fallers, Gait & Posture 97, p. S315-S316, doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.07.187
(2022) Convergent and discriminant validity of the Functional Movement Screen concerning joint mobility in the Hurdle Step test, Gait & Posture 97, p. S313-S314, doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.07.186
(2022) Perfusion, Stance and Plantar Pressure Asymmetries on the Human Foot in the Absence of Disease—A Pilot Study, Symmetry 14(3), p. 441, MDPI, doi:10.3390/sym14030441
(2021) Dynamic joint stiffness: A critical review, Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 175 175, p. 1-96
(2021) Equine rehabilitation: A scoping review of the literature, Animals 11(6), p. 1508, MDPI, doi:10.3390/ani11061508
(2020) Aquatic Exercise Choice Prevalence by Individuals With Low Back Pain., Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy 28(2), p. 27-32, LWW, url
(2020) Cognitive room for Design education: Theoretical aspects, Revista Lusófona de Educação 46(46), p. 171-185, doi:10.24140/issn.1645-7250.rle46.11
(2020) Swing limb biomechanics and minimum toe clearance in rheumatoid arthritis post-menopausal women fallers and non-fallers, Gait & Posture 81, p. 40-41, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.07.043
(2019) On footedness and ankle’s Dynamic Joint Stiffness relation, Universidad de Alicante. Área de Educación F{\'\i}sica y Deporte, doi:10.14198/jhse.2019.14.proc4.13
(2019) Vertical jump test assessment in non-athlete adults: Systematic review, Universidad de Alicante. Área de Educación F{\'\i}sica y Deporte, doi:10.14198/jhse.2019.14.proc4.12
(2018) P 094 – Sit-to-stand of rheumatoid arthritis post-menopausal women vs. healthy post-menopausal – Antero-posterior displacement of centre of gravity and centre of pressure, Gait and Posture 65, p. 384-385, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2018.07.026
(2015) Do Vertical Stiffness or Dynamic Joint Stiffness Have Footedness-related Differences?, Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 6(3), p. 189-200, doi:10.9734/jsrr/2015/15821
(2015) Is footedness consistent?, Journal of Basic and Applied Research International 3(1), p. 1-8
(2015) KinesioTape® Influence on Female Functional Ankle Instability: Preliminary Findings, Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 5(6), p. 507-516, doi:10.9734/jsrr/2015/15231
(2015) Adaptação cultural e fidedignidade da versão portuguesa do Lateral Preference Inventory para a avaliação do perfil de lateralidade, Salutis Scientia 7(Março), p. 5-11
(2015) Footedness-Related Differences in Dynamic Joint Stiffness and Leg Stiffness Measurements, Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 6(5), p. 363-370, doi:10.9734/jsrr/2015/15820
(2015) Influence of Footedness on Dynamic Joint Stiffness during the Gait Stance Phase, Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 5(2), p. 175-183, doi:10.9734/jsrr/2015/14745
(2014) Ativação muscular na anca e joelho na variação do ângulo de valgo durante a fase de apoio do salto vertical, Saude & Tecnologia 12, p. 8-16
(2014) Análise da influência da aplicação de kinesio tape na ativação muscular durante um passe de futsal., Saúde & Tecnologia 11(11), p. 34-40, url
(2013) Portuguese Sign Language M2 acquisition: kinematic analysis contribution in the identification of possible phonological errors in movement parameter, Cadernos de Saúde 6(Especial. 2), p. 64
(2013) Aprendizagem da L{\'\i}ngua Gestual Portuguesa como M2: contributos da análise cinemática na identificação de poss{\'\i}veis erros fonológicos no Parâmetro Movimento, Cadernos de Saúde 6(Especial. 2), p. 63
(2013) Knee angular displacement analysis in amateur ballet dancers: A pilot study, European Journal of Physiotherapy 15(4), p. 215-220, Taylor & Francis, doi:10.3109/21679169.2013.840859
(2010) Efectividade de um plano de propriocepção do tornozoelo no futsal, Revista de ciências da Saúde 2(September 2015), p. 14
(2009) Definição de lesão desportiva--uma revisão da literatura, Revista Portuguesa de Fisioterapia no desporto 3(2), p. 13-21
(2009) Alterações cinemáticas decorrentes da motivação e presença de alvo – O caso do Gyaku Tsuki, Salutis Scientia – Revista de Ciências da Saúde da ESSCVP 1(Novembro 2009), p. 12-19, url
(2008) Whiplash Associado à Prática de Râguebi ., Revista Portuguesa de Fisioterapia no Desporto 2(1), p. 35-40
Conference publications
(2015) Footedness influence on stability measures, Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2015, p. 1-5, doi:10.1109/ENBENG.2015.7088881
(2011) Medial-lateral CoP-rearfoot relation during stance, Technology and Medical Sciences - TMSi 2010, p. 177-181, doi:10.1201/b11330-34
Book chapters
(2022) The Effect of a Proprioceptive Exercises Programme on Disease Activity and Gait Biomechanical Parameters of Post-Menopausal Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, IntechOpen, doi:10.5772/intechopen.99462
(2015) Interdependência da Lateralidade com a Estabilidade Articular do Membro Inferior
(2013) Análise Do Comportamento Angular Da Articulação Do Joelho No Plano Frontal Em Bailarinas Amadoras De Elite Durante O Demi-Plié: Um Estudo Piloto, url
(2009) Dinamometria do apoio plantar relacionada com o ângulo do retropé do tornozelo [Dissertation], Lisboa: Universidade Católica Portuguesa