In the first week of November (7th-8th), some members of IBEB traveled to Porto to present their work at the 3rd International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Physiology. Under the THOR project, Professor Hugo Alexandre Ferreira and his PhD student Duarte Oliveira-Saraiva presented their findings in the poster session, focusing on “Brave new sound: applications of handheld ultrasound devices in medicine” and “Web-based research tool for predicting the need for ICU admission in COVID-19 patients”, respectively. Master student Pedro Reis also delivered an oral presentation on the web app he developed for the same project, titled “Novel web platform for collaborative annotation of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) lung images”. Additionally, PhD student Helena Rico Pereira, supervised by Professor Hugo, gave a talk entitled “A Current Look at Healthy Brain Ageing: A Normative Structural and Functional Imaging Perspective.” Professor Hugo Alexandre Ferreira also conducted an enthusiastic and hands-on workshop titled “Brain vs. Machine: Brain-Computer Interfaces Hands-On,” which included the participation of Duarte Rodrigues from Neroes.