Raquel Conceição

Room in IBEB 1.03 Contacts E-mail: rcconceicao[at]fc.ul.pt Professional networks Curriculum Tópicos de investigação Biography I am an award-winning assistant professor with habilitation (“agregação”) and researcher with a significant record of peer-reviewed publications and funded European grants. I am the first doctorate researcher in Portugal with a PhD in the area Read more…

Ana Catarina Pelicano

Room in IBEB 1.03 Contacts E-mail: acpelicano[at]ciencias.ulisboa.pt Professional networks Curriculum Research topics Biography Catarina received an integrated BSc+MSc degree in Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering from Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) in January 2020. In 2017, she concluded her bachelor’s research project within the IMPACT (Implantable Microsystems for Read more…