Rafael Fortunato Martins Esteves

Room in IBEB
E-mail: rfesteves[at]ciencias.ulisboa.pt
Professional networks
Research topics
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Epigenetics
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
- Neuroimaging
- Oxytocin
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences and Master’s in Biopharmaceutical Sciences, from where I gained a passion for Neuroscience, more specifically for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences. So to better understand how molecular changes in the brain can affect our own behavior, I enrolled in the Biophysics and Biomedical Engeneering PhD program and entered Diana Prata’s lab to work on my PhD thesis: study of how Oxytocin relates to Autism Spectrum Disorder, more specifically how it affects the processing of social stimuli in people with high autistic traits, through the use of fMRI and epigenetics.