The seminars held in the context of the “Neuroscience and Neuromodeling” course are open to anyone who is interested in these topics. Please check the details below and feel free to show up, however, due to capacity constraints, please drop an email to if you are planning to go. Thanks!
/Alexandre Andrade
" Age-related changes in semantic cognition: behavioural and functional MRI measures"
Dec 5th, 15:00, room 8.2.15
Speaker: Prof. Ana Luísa Raposo, Research Center for Psychological Science
Faculdade de Psicologia
Universidade de Lisboa
Ana Raposo is Associate Professor of Psychology at ULisboa and PI of the Memory & Language team of the Research Center for Psychological Science. Her work focuses on the neurocognitive mechanisms of semantic and episodic memory, and how these memory systems interplay. She addresses these topics by combining behavioural and fMRI measures, in a lifespan perspective. She has published in journals such as Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, NeuroImage, Journal of Neuroscience, and Neuropsychologia. Before joining ULisboa, Ana completed her PhD at the University of Cambridge (UK) and was a postdoctoral fellow at Duke University (USA). Her work has been funded by FCT and Bial.
Abstract: Semantic cognition requires preserved semantic representations (e.g., stored information about objects and their features) and control processes that enable accessing the information in a flexible, task-relevant manner. It remains unclear how these processes interact in healthy ageing. In this seminar, I will present studies that investigated representation and control processes by manipulating concept typicality. I will show behavioural and fMRI data from healthy young and older adults that: (a) help uncover the neural underpinning of semantic processing, (b) elucidate how knowledge accumulation and control decay in healthy ageing affect semantic cognition, and (c) examine age-related reorganization of the semantic neural network.