Grisel Mora Paula

Room in IBEB
E-mail: gmpaula[at]
Professional networks
Research topics
- Ionization radiation
- Radiation detection
- Monte Carlo transport of radiation
- Radiotherapy treatment planning
- Photon beams
- Electron beam technologies
- Rotating Gamma Ray Systems
- Radiation protection
- Gamma irradiation
- Radiation therapy physics
- Cherenkov radiation
Grisel Margarita Mora Paula (G. Mora) obtained a BSc in Physics from Belarusian State University (BGU). She enrolled in the research activities (detection of cosmic neutrinos using Cherenkov radiation) of the Nuclear Physics Department of BGU under supervision of Zaitseva Maksimova. In 1985 she received her MSc degree in Physics and Mathematics from the BGU. She was assistant professor of Physics Department of “Instituto Superior Polytechnic José Antonio Echeverría” (ISPJAE) in Havana, Cuba, for a period of two years. After that, she moved to Portugal and begin to work as software technician in SISMET (Portuguese Enterprise). Since 1992, Dr Mora joined to the Nuclear Center Physics of “Universidade de Lisboa” (CFNUL) as assistant researcher, under supervision of Prof Amelia Maio and participated in medical physics projects, including Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and clinical dosimetry techniques. She enrolled in the first Master Degree Course in Biophysics of the “Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL)” and received MSc degree in Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering (Medical Physics) in 1995 from the FCUL”.
Further PhD training studies in the field of Radiation Physics were conducted at department of Radiation Standards of National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and at Department of Radiation Oncology of Stanford University, USA. At NRC, she simulated the Cobalt 60 radiotherapy Unit under supervision of Prof. Dave Rogers. Using MC techniques and ionization chambers dosimetry, the standard Co-60 spectrum was determined and presented to the “Bureau International Poids et Mesures” (BIPM) Paris. “G Mora Co-60 spectrum” still using in most of the Primary and Secondary Standard Labs around the word. At Stanford University, she simulated (MC) the Varian Clinical accelerator (Clinac 2100 C) and studied the use of CT image for the MC Radiotherapy Treatment Planning under supervision of Prof Charlie Ma. In 2002 she presented her thesis (Application of MC simulation techniques in Clinical Radiation Therapy Dosimetry) at FCUL and obtained PhD degree in Physics. Dr Mora received a Fulbright Award in 2002 for one-year post-doctoral training at Department of Radiation Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center of Philadelphia.
From 2003, she joined to the Department of Physics of FCUL, conducting teaching and research activities. Teaching activities included physics for students of degree courses of health, biology, physics, environment engineering, meteorology, informatics, etc. And she affiliated with the CFNUL (medical physics group) as research associate. She established protocols between CFNUL and Portuguese Oncologic Centers, to conduct research activities and supervised PhD Theses in the field of clinical radiation dosimetry. Since 2005 she is a member of European Working Group on MC Treatment Planning and participated in the Scientific Committee of several conferences (Gent 2006, Cardiff 2009, Seville 2012, Napoli 2017, Toronto 2019 and Antwerp, 2021). In the period of 2012 to 2015, she acted as a consultant of the Portuguese Science Foundation for the IORT Project conducted by the Oncologic Center of Porto, Portugal.
In 2015, due to the restructuration of the research units of UL, Dr Mora moved to Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering of FCUL (IBEB-FCUL), conducting research activities in radiotherapy in the context of national and international collaborations. She has worked on the MC study of a novel design of Co-60 based rotational therapy machines for radiosurgery and therapy (Collaboration with Fox Chase Cancer Center). More recently, research activities of the collaboration include the validation and optimization methods for the MC Treatment Planning and dosimetry studies to explore the implementation of advance radiotherapy techniques using the novel Co-60 based therapy machines.
She conducted review of the papers of scientific journals (Medical Physics, Egyptian Journal of Biophysics, Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE) and Physica Medica. Actually, she is a member of the Editorial Board of the Physica Medica – European Journal of Medical Physics as Associate Editor and handled the edition of 26 papers for a period 2018 – 2023. Actually, Dr Mora is Horizon Europe Independent Expert; she has invited to act as expert evaluator of H2020 Projects by Innovation Council and European Research Executive Agency (European Commission). More recently, she joined to Editorial Board of Radiation Oncology (Frontiers in Oncology) as Reviewer Editor. Dr Mora presented several scientific works at AAPM, ESTRO and EFOMP Conferences, and at International Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. She is a co-author of several chapters and papers. Her published studies have 411 citations.
Dr Mora speaks four languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English and Russian.
Journal publications
(2023) Pancreatic cancer outcome—local treatment with radiation using MRI-LINAC, Frontiers in Oncology(G. Mora - Writing - review & editing),
(2020) Dosimetric evaluation of a rotating gamma-ray system for stereotactic body radiation therapy, Journal of Radiation Oncology 9(, p. 173-184
Conference publications
(2024) Influence of Electron Transport Algorithm on Monte Carlo Based Treatment Planning, David Sarrut, Simon Rit. Proceedings of the XX-th international conference on the use of computers in radiation therapy (ICCR). XX-th international conference on the use of computers in radiation therapy (ICCR), 2024.