DC4MND European Consortium Meeting

DC4MND is an European Consortium dedicated to find spinal stimulation solutions to delay motor dysfunction in ALS, using in vitro/in vivo/in sillico combined approaches. IBEB is a member of this consortium, contributing with computer realistic models of the in vivo and in vitro settings (in sillico approach) to fine tune Read more…

Ciências Open day 2024

On May 8th, the undergraduate students in Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bernardo Oliveira, Carolina Araujo, and Joana Galrão, participated in “Ciências Open Day 2024”. Under the supervision of our PhD student, João Mendes, they conducted activities measuring muscle electrical activity for high school students, while also sharing the research being Read more…

Award attributed to IBEB’s researcher

NATO SET Panel Excellence award attributed to the researcher João Miguel Pinto Coelho by the NATO’s Sensors & Electronics Technology (SET) Panel Office, for is excellent contribution to the SET-249 Task Group on “Laser Eye Dazzle Threat Evaluation and Impact on Human Performance”.

Doctoral Network (MSCA-HE) PROMOTE

Yesterday, a consortium that IBEB is part of was successfully awarded with a Marie Sklowdoska-Curie Action Doctoral Network (in the Horizon Europe programme). The Doctoral Network is called “PROMOTE” – PRostate cancer OMics Oriented InTErvention and is led by Mosaiques Diagnostics GMBH (Germany). Other beneficiary teams include: Idryma Iatroviologikon Ereunon Read more…

New paper!

A new paper has just been published by researchers from our institute! Take a look at “Effect of blood oxygen-level-dependent signal data trimming on functional connectivity metrics”! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bosn.2024.03.001