Eduardo Ducla-Soares
Room in IBEB
E-mail: ducla[at]
Professional networks
Research topics
- Models for brain activity
- Brain neurophysiology
- Medical imaging
- Biomedical signal processing
Professor Eduardo Ducla-Soares is the founder of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics.
Finished high school at Liceu D. João de Castro,in Lisbon (1961), Grade: 19 over a maximum of 20 (the highest grade in Portugal that year).
Licenciatura in Ciências Físico-Químicas, Universidade de Lisboa (1961 – 1965), Grade: 18 over a maximum of 20 (first of his class).
“Doctorat d’État” in Physics, Université de Grenoble, França (1965-71): Júri Prof. Lacaze, Renard, Cheeke (Grenoble) and M. Tinkham (Harvard). Grade: Très Honorable et Félicitacions du Júry.
“Agregação” in Physics, Universidade de Lisboa (1978). Grade: Aproved with a unanimous vote.